Membership Information
Classes of Membership
Benefits of Membership
Application for Membership
Code of Conduct
Summary of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
Benefits of Membership
Application for Membership
Code of Conduct
Summary of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
The Institute requires all Fellows and Associates (Members) to recognize their responsibilities to their clients, their colleagues and to the public and to adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Members are answerable to the Executive Committee for any conduct which, in the opinion of the Committee, is in breach of this Code and the Committee is empowered under the rules of the Institute to take disciplinary action.
- Members shall at all times conduct themselves with integrity in their куда сходить в Архангельске, having due regard to maintaining the high reputation of the Institute and the licensing profession in general.
- Members may act for and accept fees from the Licensor or the Licensee, but never from both in respect of any one project.
- Members who have a personal interest in any client's project shall report that interest to the client.
- Members shall take all reasonable steps to avoid disclosure to others of confidential information concerning a client's affairs except where required by statute.
- Members shall seek to ensure that they and their staff maintain appropriate levels of competence for the work that they undertake.
- Members are advised to inform their clients, however, before engagement, that they give no warranty, guarantee or other undertaking as to the accuracy of any estimate, forecast or prediction made and that such are statements of opinion given in good faith and through the exercise of reasonable diligence in the context of the engagement agreed between the member and his client.
- Members shall not knowingly, recklessly or maliciously injure the professional reputation or practice of another member of the Institute.
- No Member shall seek to obtain business in a manner which is unprofessional or damaging to the licensing profession.
- No Member shall make statements on behalf of the Institute unless so authorised by the Executive Committee.
- Prospective clients shall be clearly informed as to Members' fees and charges and these should be notified in writing before work commences.
- If a conflict of interest arises between two or more of a Member's clients or prospective clients, then they shall be so informed and the Member should make every endeavour to resolve such conflict. In the extreme, the Member may have to terminate or refuse to accept one or other or both assignments.
- If, during the course of a project, a Member comes to the conclusion that the project is not viable, or that it is not in his client's best interests to continue, then he shall immediately so inform the client and, where relevant, request settlement from the client of any fee which may be owing.
- A Member who knowingly causes or supports action which is inconsistent with the Code, or is party to such action, shall himself be seemed to be in breach of it.
Members should accept no licensing-in (product search) assignments without charging fees. It is permissible to arrive at arrangements which will provide to fees and a share of the client's revenue derived from the licence. It is permissible for a Member to accept licensing-out assignments on a fee basis only, a share of client's licence revenue only, or on a basis of a combination of these methods.
All Members shall comply with the complaints procedure from time to time approved by the Executive Committee. This procedure provides for a Fellow or Fellows appointed by the Executive Committee to investigate and, if appropriate, seek to mediate in any dispute between a Fellow and a client.
If the Executive Committee of the Institute, having examined an alleged breach of this Code by a Member, finds that such Member is in breach of the Code, it shall be empowered to take disciplinary action as it shall deem appropriate. If the Executive Committee decides to expel a Member from the Institute, it shall be strictly in accordance with the provisions for termination of membership laid down in Article 15 of the Articles of Association of the Institute.